Psychological transformational game «The Gifts of Goddesses» (Психологическая трансформационная игра «Дары Богинь. Тайна женской силы»)

5500 руб.

Psychological transformational game «The Gifts of Goddesses». ENGLISH VERSION. ALL CARDS, INSTRUCTIONS, FIELD are in English. You can expand your customer base with English speaking customers using this game. You and your clients can practice English by playing the game “Gifts of the Goddesses. The Mystery of Female Power ” in English. At the same time, the effect and performance of the game is still at a high level, as in the Russian version.

Psychological transformational game «The Gifts of Goddesses» (Психологическая трансформационная игра «Дары Богинь. Тайна женской силы»)

5500 руб.